Beat Catalogue

Catalog number: 142

In 2022 we entered our 15th year in business, and for the first time we present a catalogue where a large part is devoted to international objects. This is partly a result of that we for 10 years have been co-operating with colleague and good friend Pål Sagen, owner of Galleri Bygdøy Allé in Oslo. His main field of expertise is maps, manuscripts, older books and Norwegian national art. Since 2019 we have, through Sagen & Delås | Auctions, held several sales over single owner collections in which there have been many objects of international interest, thus increasing our international network. This spring we had the great honour of auctioning off the Otto Norland Polar Library, setting several records in the Norwegian auction market. For the past couple of years now, we have bought foreign titles with that in mind to reach out to collectors and colleagues across the borders.

For this Bibliophilia-catalogue, we have made a selection of books we hope will interest collectors within multiple fields. These are first and foremost modern first editions and most of the books are signed or have inscriptions from the authors. A large portion of the books come from the collection of Eiliv Høibakken, a devoted collector of signed and inscribed books. He has been collecting books for more than 40 years, not only in Norway, but also on many long stays in the US and other travels abroad. He has sent books and inquieries to authors all around the world, and can tell us about looking up authors in the phone books and meeting at book signings etc. back in the 80’s when visiting cities around the US. A bibliophile at heart. In addition we have bought certain sections of international literature which is also represented in the catalogue. We have more inscribed copies of many of the authors presented in addition to many authors not in the catalogue. We also have a nice selection of Beat Literature, LGBTQ writers and more in stock at the moment.

All books in jackets are supplied with protective mylar. Most were taken off during photography. Please do not hesitate to contact us abut the books or if you want to sign up for our newsletters.

NB! There might be some titles of international interest also in the Norwegian part.

Bibliophile greetings Fredrik Delås