(Tilegnet maleren Edvard Munch).
København. Gyldendal. 1916. [12] – 45, [7] sider. Pappbind med lys brun skinntitteletikett, signert Arne Larsen. Bundet med begge omslag. Øvre snitt stusset, for øvrig ubeskåret.
Medbundet reproduksjon av Edvard Munchs “Melankoli”.
Nummer 63 av 350 eksemplarer.
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Målfrid Woll om trykket: “Reproduction printed by Pacht & Crone. After a drawing by Munch in Emanuel Goldstein: Alruner, 1892 Printers mark inside the picture field bottom left, the artist’s reproduced signature printed below the image. Reprinted in a new edition of the collection of poems, Copenhagen , 1916, printed on thick Japan paper measuring 140 x 198 mm and without a printer’s stamp. However, the reproduction in this edition is printed in relief similar to the plate mark
(80 x 150 mm).