Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1886. 8vo. [8], 141, [1 blank, 1 ads, 1 blank]pp. First edition. Red polished calf with 5 raised bands. Gilt title to brown leather on spine. Top edge gilt. Very lightly shaved. Bound by Macklehose, Glasgow.
Light rubbing to spine head. Wrappers with narrow strip of paper loss towards inner margins, replaced/reinforced. Tiny chips to wrapper edges, but intact and presentable.
An attractive copy of this classic in English literature.
The U.K. edition was supposed to be published in December of 1885, but was delayed until January 9th, 1886. The original wrappers were then corrected by hand from «1885» to «1886». The American edition of the book then «snuck in» and was published January 5th, preceding the UK edition with 4 days.